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Sculptra™ contains Poly-L-Lactic Acid, which replaces lost collagen to help maintain the skin’s elasticity.The treatment is administered through a series of small injections at varying levels of thickness to achieve the best possible results. The injections fill out depressed areas of the face and cheeks that have lost volume through ageing.

Activate the skin's natural regenerative process with Sculptra to help replenish lost facial collagen. Collagen is the most common protein in the body and helps support the skin's inner structure.



Where can Sculptra be used?

Sculptra™ can subtly smooth, soften, contour and tone the skin, restore youthful plumpness, enhance and define your features.
After three treatments, your face will look fuller, and fine lines and wrinkles will appear softened. However, these are not the true effects and this volume will subside slightly as the water found in Sculptra™ is absorbed into
the body. You can expect to see clear improvements six weeks after initial treatment and this will continue to improve with each treatment. As your body begins to produce increased facial collagen, the connective tissue where ageing has had its effects will begin to naturally rebuild, smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines.


Why choose Sculptra over Dermal fillers?

The slow process of forming new collagen is what causes Sculptra to have longer lasting effects than other fillers. Other types of fillers cause temporary but immediate results, that plump up the skin to eliminate wrinkles. Eventually, the effects dissipate and the injections have to be redone. Sculptra, on the other hand, is considered to be a “tissue volumizer” that fortifies areas of the face where the skin has lost fat.

How Long does Sculptra treatments last?

Patients that use Sculptra see varying results with the product, however results can be expected to last from one to two years. There have even been instances where the results have lasted for up to three years. The long lasting effects of Sculptra is due to the safe absorbency of the poly-L-lactic acid formula, the ability to stimulate skin tissues that have degraded, and the gradual buildup of fresh collagen around weak tissues.

Key Facts about Sculptra

  • Treatment time: 30 minutes

  • Course of treatment: 3 treatments, once every 6 weeks

  • Maintenance single session: 6 – 12 months

  • Downtime: 2 hours

  • Post treatment: swelling, numbness due to anaesthetic, the chance of mild bruising

  • Aftercare: Facial massage after treatment is very important and is required to stimulate the collagen. Massage must be carried out for 5 minutes, twice a day for 10 days and then once a day thereafter for
    30 days.


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