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How IPL Rosacea Treatment Works:

IPL devices emit specific wavelengths of light that target the red and brown pigments in the skin. In the context of rosacea, IPL works by:

  1. Reducing Redness: IPL can target the dilated blood vessels (telangiectasia) responsible for the redness and flushing associated with rosacea. The light energy is absorbed by the haemoglobin in the blood vessels, causing them to constrict and become less visible.

  2. Improving Skin Texture: IPL can also stimulate collagen production in the skin, which may help improve overall skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines and enlarged pores.



  1. Skin Assessment: Your practitioner will assess your skin and discuss your specific concerns and goals.

  2. Skin Preparation: Your skin will be cleaned, and a cooling gel may be applied to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and minimise discomfort.

  3. IPL Treatment: The IPL device will be used to deliver short pulses of light to the targeted areas of your skin. The practitioner will adjust the settings based on your skin type and the severity of your rosacea.

  4. Protective Eyewear: Both you and the practitioner will wear protective eyewear to shield your eyes from the bright light.

  5. Cooling: Some IPL devices have built-in cooling systems to enhance patient comfort.


The treatment is generally well-tolerated, and patients often describe the sensation as a mild snapping or rubber band-like feeling. After the procedure, a soothing cream or gel may be applied to the treated areas.


Number of Sessions:

The number of IPL rosacea treatment sessions needed varies from person to person, depending on the severity of the condition and individual skin characteristics. Typically, a series of sessions, usually spaced a few weeks apart, is required for the best results. Your practitioner will create a customized treatment plan based on your needs.


Results and Recovery:

After IPL rosacea treatment, you can expect:

  • Reduced Redness: IPL can lead to a noticeable reduction in redness and flushing associated with rosacea.

  • Improved Skin Texture: The treatment may also improve skin texture, reducing the appearance of fine lines and enlarged pores.

  • Minimal Downtime: There is usually little to no downtime. Some redness and mild swelling may occur, but these side effects typically resolve within a day or two. It's important to protect your skin from direct sunlight and use sunscreen during the recovery period.

PRICE £120

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